Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Dr. Phil would be proud..

Tonight at church we talked about being a "player" in your faith. Player, as in speaking the part but not feeling the part. They used the analogy of cleaning the outside of a glass, and leaving the inside filthy. Would you drink from it? James did..

This lesson hit home for me. Not directly, because I feel like my relationship with the Lord is true and honest. But I feel like my church life may be suffering. I think I've gotten so caught up in being involved that I'm missing opportunities to grow. And I feel like my motives have been off.

I'm not saying that I need to quit doing tons of stuff at the church, but I am saying I need to change the reasons I'm doing it. I shouldn't be doing it to impress, or to prepare for a future career, or to hang out with the people I get to hang out with. I should be doing it for God, because it's what he wants me to do.

Okay, lets talk about feelings. And sharing them. (How straight did that sound)

Tonight, along the same lines as the lesson, we talked about feeling one way, and acting another. Is that wrong? To suppress feelings and act the opposite way? Feelings are something of the heart, right?

In Jeremiah 17:9 God says that the human heart is decietful. But He goes on to say in verse 10 that He is the one who can understand it. So how do you know a feeling is from God? And if you feel positive its a God promoted feeling, than lets go back to original question. Is it wrong to suppress those feelings and act the opposite way?

I don't have answers. But I want some. So please help me out. If you read this, give me some sort of input. I'm pretty sure you can comment anonymously. I just want to see what others think.

Here's a link to Jeremiah 17:

Song of the day is "Boston" by Augustana. Just because its an amazing song. The main them of this song is starting over, and abandoning whatever "Chains" are holding you back. Doesn't really relate at all. But I love it.

Okay, thats it.

Here's a picture that I find extremely relatable.. (Make sure you read the caption)


  1. The single largest problem with the church and its doctrine today, by far, is the idea that you have to "feel" God. Too much emphasis is placed on emotional connection to the Holy Spirit and your "feelings" of God at that time. Too many people are converted based on a feeling and not given a true foundation to established their faith on, and when it's gone they feel like there couldn't be a God

    From what I know about you, I'm sure that you have experienced a church camp high. I'm pretty sure everyone that has ever gone has. And what is the biggest thing they stress after? "Don't loose that feeling."

    Have you, or anyone you known actually kept a feeling like that? During that high you feel close to God, and after it fizzles you're left feeling distant.

    Only if you have a strong understanding of your beliefs and doctrine and have the spiritual maturity to know that you have be predestined by God to be one of his Chosen. Stay steadfast in the facts that you know to be true, this will last through a weak emotional foundation.

    TL;DR Emotions should play no role in your belief, rest in the truth that Jesus is.

  2. I completely agree, and I know exactly what you are talking about. I realize that my faith shouldn't be based on feelings. But I think what I'm talking about is more about feelings not directly related to my faith, but feelings that I feel are promoted by God.. Things that have to do with Gods call on my life.
