So get ready, because this is going to come out a little sappy. And before I write it, to save face, I wanna say that if you think I'm righting this about you, you're wrong. Cool? Cool.
Okay, so in Genesis God makes everything. He makes the earth, the stars, the land, the sea, the animals, etc. Then He makes man, and man is called Adam, and man is given a lot of things. Man is in control of everything. And he has everything. But it's not enough. Adam is lonely, and God notices this.
In chapter 2 verse 18, it says, "The Lord God said, 'It is not good for man to be alone, I will make a helper suitable for him'"
So what did God do after he said this? After he realized Adam was lonely? I'll give you some choices:
A) He ate some chicken
B) He learned to play Piano
C) He told Adam to go name all of the animals in the entire world.
It was C.
God notices that Adam is lonely, but he doesn't fix it right away. In Verses 19 and 20 it says:
"Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals. But for Adam no suitable helper was found."
So Adam just ran around the garden pointing and yelling names for an hour or two, right?
Highly Unlikely.
Heres the deal, even if you believe in evolution, there would still have been one million to fifty million animals in the world. And he had to name all of them. It would of taken him almost a hundred years to do so. And scripture matches up with this. In Genesis 5:3 we are told that Adam was 130 when they had their third son, Seth. Which means that He would have been over 100 when they had Cain and Able. So either it took almost 100 years to name those animals, or Adam and Eve waited a century to have sex. And for some reason, I doubt they sat around 100 years, naked, just hanging out.
So I'm gonna go ahead and conclude that it took Adam a long time to name the animals. And in the whole process, Adam found no suitable helper. So God puts him to sleep, takes his rib, and forms Eve. And when he was done, he brought Eve to Adam, and this is what Adam says:
"This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh" (Genesis 2:23)
So heres what happens; God has this man, who is super relational, who is lonely, and who needs a suitable helper. Instead of giving him that helper immediately, He makes him hang out with a bunch of smelly animals. Then He finally gives him Eve.
And he appreciates her more than he ever would have if God had just given her to him.
Because after a hundred years of searching for a helper, Adam KNOWS that Eve is perfect. He has seen every other possibility. And do you think after that amount of time, if you were finally given your perfect partner, that you'd would even consider taking advantage of her?
Heck no.
And God knew this, and He put Adam through what He did, so that when Adam was given Eve, he would treat her with Appreciation, Respect, Thankfulness, and Love. And thats the same way that women should be treated now. I can only pray that God makes me wait the way that Adam did, Because I promise you, once Eve came to him, Adam immediately knew it was worth the wait.
(I mean, she was naked.)
Cool. Well that all I have on that subject. I'll write about another one next time. And it is now Thanksgiving, so I hope you have a good one.
If you are reading this, I am thankful for you. And if you aren't reading this, I'm thankful for you too.. but you'll never know that.
Here's a great video to help you enjoy the holiday:
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