Saturday, October 29, 2011

He will wipe away every tear..

Okay, so today was not nearly as successful as our previous days hunting. Today we hunted some public land, which meant we were only allowed 3 birds each on the day. That brings our possible trip total down to 75. Heres the count at the end of today:

Daniel: 14
Ryan: 11
Scott: 8
Dad: 7
Carter: 2
Dog: 1

Total: 43/75

So we need to shoot 32 birds tomorrow and be out of here by one o' clock. Thats gonna be a challenge. But I think we can do it. And even though today wasn't crazy good hunting, Carter finally got one, so thats good.

After hunting we came in, and I decided to sit on my bed and just chill for a while. I was tired, so I decided to just sit, and do a little stumbling.. At 5:30, I moved my computer off my lap, and said to myself, "I'm gonna get up, go into the lodge, and see what everybody else is doing. At 7:00, my brother came and woke me up for dinner... I don't remember falling asleep, but when I woke up, I was exhausted..

You know how when you fall asleep, and don't get enough sleep, you are more tired than before you went to bed? Thats what happened to me. And I kinda stumbled (Literally, not on a computer) into the dining room, where I was supposed to say grace.. I'll be honest, I don't know what I said during that prayer.. But I think I said "Bless this food" at least 3 times.. I was super tired.

After dinner I went back to the room to get my phone, and found a text message from my friend whose great grandma has been sick. Earlier today she told me that they had found a tumor in her lung, and that she probably only had a few days.. While I was at dinner she passed away. Please lift her family up in prayer.

I hate situations like this because I know there is nothing I can say to make somebody feel better when they've lost a loved one. But here's some stuff that can make things a little easier:

Matthew 5:4- Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

Psalm 116:15- Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.

1 Corinthians 15:22- For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive.

Psalm 34:18- The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.

Revelation 21:4- He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.

Out of that last scripture comes my song of the day..  "You hold me now" by Hillsong

This song is amazing. And its a reminder of how great our God is, and whats in store for us who have accepted his love. He has prepared a place for us, where there will be no weeping, no pain.
"For eternity, all my heart will give, all the glory to your name."

Thats how I want to live me life. I want to get to heaven, and I want God to say, "Way to go.. You did good son."

Tomorrows our last day, and honestly, I'm ready to be home. Its good to be away, but I miss all of the people I'm around during the weekend. I don't like missing out on stuff. Especially sunday mornings. I've probably only missed 5 sundays in the last 2 years.. Thats part of what gets me through the week.

Anyway, thats all I've got for today, I'm gonna get some sleep. And to end this, I'm going to stumbleupon until I find something worthy of posting..

Not the best song in the world.. but thats okay.. Check that kid out.

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