Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Love and God.

So you know how in elementary school, whenever you had a crush on someone, you did everything you could to let them know it, without actually telling them? You share your lunch, (even though you wanted all of your cake).. You give them the coolest of your Scooby-Doo valentines.. You follow them around on the playground in a way that would get you arrested if you weren't 9 years old.. 

When you love someone, when you care about them, you want to show them that. I think its built into our brains. I feel like it's how we're wired. (Granted, I am no psychiatrist. Heck, if I didn't have spell check, I wouldn't even know how to spell psychiatrist.) 

Maybe it's just me, but that's how my brain/heart works. I want to let people know that I care about them. When I can't do that, or when I'm not doing it well, it doesn't feel good. At all.

I think thats how our relationship with God should be. I think that in our everyday lives, we should be doing everything we can to show him how much we love him. And I think we make that harder than it needs to be. God sees love in the way we follow him. Here's a couple verses

"And Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.'" Matthew 22:37

"Jesus replied, 'Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.'" John 14:23

So if we love God, we should have that same desire to show him affection as we do with people here  on earth, right? I wish I could say thats the way I always felt, but its not. Not that I don't love God, by any means. I do. But I don't feel a burning desire to show HIM that. I need to work on that.

Here's a song: "Your Love is Strong" by Jon Foreman Listen to it. This guy is possibly the most talented person I've ever seen. And who doesn't want to sing about how strong God's love for us actually is.

Also, I have a friend who's great-grandmother is sick, and not doing well. Please lift her up in prayer.

So thats my thought for today. Please expand on it if you're reading this. (Actually, feel free to do that anytime I post something.)

Again I am face with the dilemma of how to end a blog post. Do I say goodbye? Cheerio? So long, and thanks for all the fish? I don't really know. Maybe a video of a dog running around with a roman candle in his mouth?  Probably not. 

How about a story:

Today, I told an Iphone to get me a sandwich. It gave me driving directions to 14 different Sandwich Shops. Including 12 that were within 3 miles of my location. 



1 comment:

  1. I think we all have a desire to meet and love God. But when we don't recognize that desire, we try and fill that hole with worldly things. And when we do recognize that our desire is for God, we struggle to fully give ourselves to Him. I think it's hard for us to love God fully because we don't have the capacity within us, and when we try and love Him on a human level, it's dissatisfying. Just a thought...
