Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Simple Life is for Losers

You ever have those times when things just don't work out as planned?

Yah, that happened a lot today. From big things to little things to humongous things, it happened a lot.

I got out of school today really quick, and I was making really good time getting home. I was happy about that because it meant I'd be able to get to church on time, or early. And I love to be at church. But on the way home, a buddy called me, and informed me that he was stuck in a ditch. Long story short, 45 minutes later we were left with a tow rope broken in 5 places, a car still stuck in a ditch, and me running late. Then I get home to drop off Katie, and realize I am out of gas. (Normally this would be do to my own stupidity, but today my truck was in the shop, so I was in my dad's truck.. but he gave it to me on empty.) So by the time I get gas and get back to church, I walk in when we normally start practice. So things didn't go as plaaned. And at that point, I was frustrated. Which was dumb of me, because I should have realized that it could get a ton worse.

After church, I realized my keys had disappeared. See, every week I sit my keys on the same counter, and today, they went missing. Of course, this happened the one week that its my dads keys. And if that wasn't enough, the keys to our gun cases were on the same ring, and we leave for A hunting trip at 5:45 tomorrow morning. So we searched for my keys until almost 10 o clock. It ended up that somehow they had been knocked into Mary Garrison's purse, and she found them and brought them to me. (Thank you so much Mary!) Thats definitely not how I planned on my evening going. Possibly one of the most intense stressful situations I've ever had to deal with. But I'm not even going to start to complain about it inconveniencing me, because that doesn't even come close to how much I inconvenience those who helped me look for them. I have some of the best friends in the world. Thank you Nate, James, Jessica, Josh, Jeremy, Kedron, Bailey, and anyone else who helped look.

So at this point, things were super stressful, and my parents were mad. Which is appropriate, since I shouldn't have left the keys out in the first place. Thankfully, If anyone can lighten a nasty mood, its Mary Garrison. So that made things better. But still, at this point the day couldn't get any worse, right?


See, If you know me, you know that outside of school, all I do is church and work. And I don't work an insane amount, but I work quite a bit. And its not that I need the money right now, but I know I will eventually, so I'm trying to get ahead, you know? Trying to prepare for whatever lies ahead.

Well, today, I had to get my truck inspected for my new plates. Turns out driving my truck for work has done a little more damage then I thought. My dad hit me with the bill when I got home. The last thing I needed today was to blow $850.00.

I don't understand. God has this plan for me, and He's telling me to prepare, so I did. And 85 hours worth of that preperation just went out the window.. I don't get it. Not one bit.

But thats okay. I don't need to. I must have faith. And thankfully, when it comes to my walk with God, Faith is the one part that I can say is strong. Even when everything else is crumbling, my trust in the Lord is strong. And if all of this is happening just to build that trust stronger, then it'll be worth it.

There some verses in the bible where God is talking to Daniel, (Ironically enough), in Daniel chapter 10. Daniel Says:

"How can I, your servant, talk with you, my lord? My strength is gone and I can hardly breathe.”

God replies: “Do not be afraid, you who are highly esteemed,” he said. “Peace! Be strong now; be strong.”

God is in control, and God can give me strength. I've got to remember that. He is stronger. He is able. Which brings me to my song for the day: "God is Able" by Hillsong Live. It speaks so much truth. God is so able, He is bigger than all we seek, and all we ask. He will make a way. He will NEVER fail. He defeated the grave and he is completely able. And that is MY God.

I don't want this blog to become a place for me to only write about things in my life that suck. I want to have some humor from time to time. So how am I ending todays Blog post? With some Rick Perry:

Hope you enjoy it.

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